How can Amazon integrate sustainability initiatives into its payment experience?

30 altruistic shoppers
4countries: Brazil, Germany, Japan, USA

30 altruistic shoppers
4countries: Brazil, Germany, Japan, USA
Increasingly, people look for sustainable products and ways to make a positive impact with any dollar/euro/pound/yen they spend. Amazon operates the Smile program (customers make charitable donations alongside purchases) and the Climate Pledge Friendly initiative (environmental impact is tracked across products). To better integrate these initiatives into the payment experience, Amazon payments commissioned intO to explore motivations and barriers relating to sustainable shopping, and identify opportunities that could amplify impact.
We recruited Amazon Prime and Smile users, routine donors to charities, and eco-sensitive shoppers. Pre-tasks and in-depth interviews were used to map differences in how people like to give, what they can do, and what they trust most, against a framework of forces that influence sustainable behaviours. Meanwhile, rigorous desk research surfaced examples of charitable and green payment innovations from around the world and examined the heuristics of each. A comprehensive analysis synthesised core insights, themes and implications and captured specific regional nuances, quotes, observations, and content from each key market.
With the anticipation of applying these insights towards real impact/outcomes, our identified
range of experience opportunities were presented during an intO-facilitated stakeholder activation workshop that helped Amazon to assess and prioritise the opportunities. A final summary of all learnings, insights, opportunities was presented to enable the broader organisation to capitalise on this study’s learnings and insights.