How can Google reach traffic light engineers across diverse continents to enhance user engagement?

5 Niche traffic light engineers

5 Continents

The Opportunity

Google Greenlight is an AI-driven initiative designed to optimise traffic light systems in cities worldwide. The project’s mission is to reduce vehicle emissions, mitigate climate change, and enhance urban mobility by improving traffic light timing using AI and Google Maps driving trends. With successful implementations across 70 intersections in 12 cities, Greenlight aims to cut stops by up to 30% and reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 10%. Google sought intO’s expertise to understand user engagement and the ease of onboarding for new users of the self-service model.

Our Approach

intO, was  tasked with recruiting five traffic engineers from five diverse continents. Each had to be fluent in English, have  5-15 years of experience in role, and had to be involved in traffic signal timing improvements. Preferred candidates had previous experience in government transportation agencies, and none could be students, professors, retirees, or those directly employed by government agencies. The objective was to ensure high-quality participant recruitment, excellent engagement, and an exceptional participant experience throughout the study.

We activated intO’s in-house recruitment teams across five continents by engaging with targeted respondents via online communities. We collaborated with trusted community members to connect with suitable individuals and utilised a snowball effect for spreading participant outreach. Continuous updates on the recruitment progress were provided to Google via scheduled check-ins via the study’s dedicated Project Manager and an interactive ‘Recruitment Tracker’ dashboard for real-time tracking and selection.

After the In-Depth Interviews (IDIs), intO ensured the timely payment of incentives and provided ongoing support for participants. The collaborative dashboard was updated in real-time, allowing UX researchers to track completion and follow up if necessary. Participants remained available for follow-up for a month post-study, ensuring the possibility of forming a ‘global panel’ of traffic engineers for future engagements.

Business Impact

Our meticulous recruitment process ensured that Google could confidently engage with high-quality participants, gaining valuable insights into user investment in Greenlight recommendations and the effectiveness of the onboarding process. Through this partnership, intO demonstrated its expertise in recruiting niche participants, maintaining high participant engagement standards, and providing actionable insights that directly inform Google Greenlight’s strategic decisions around this global challenge that will improve the quality of life in urban environments.
