How can Kingfisher build a ten-year roadmap for proactive product design and development?

16 progressive home owners
9 experts
4countries: France, Poland, Romania, UK

16 progressive home owners
9 experts
4countries: France, Poland, Romania, UK
Kingfisher has over 1,300 retail stores across nine countries, and its brands include B&Q, Castorama, Brico Depot and Screwfix. The ambition of this project was to support an aligned vision of the future across category teams, which often work in silos due to the breadth and complexity of product ranging. Kingfisher sought a ten-year view into the future of homes, exploring how home improvement needs and behaviours are likely to change in their key markets. Ultimately, the strategic goal for Kingfisher is to avoid the cycle of reactive product development and continually develop a proactive and pioneering position in the industry.
Our project with Kingfisher spanned 3 phases. Phase one involved foresight research into the future of homes, as well as curated conversations with progressive users and industry experts across four regions. Phase two focused on synthesising our insights into future signals and presenting these to the stakeholder team. And phase three revolved around the creation and facilitation of a remote workshop to align 20 stakeholders around a future vision for product design at Kingfisher. Our ongoing work is concentrated on addressing knowledge gaps and validating progress.
Our work with Kingfisher developed rationales for long-term business growth activity with a roadmap focus of ten years, and our collaborative workshop developed a stronger sense of unity about future priorities amongst stakeholders. intO uncovered and distilled micro trends that will be relevant to the future of Kingfisher and the motivations of its audiences, and delivered both live and recorded bi-lingual presentations that can be revisited going forward.