Headshot of Xenia Adjoubei

Xenia Adjoubei

Local Researcher

Area: USA

Xenia is a Research Specialist in emergent technology, sustainability and spatial experience and is a Local Researcher at intO.

She specialises in areas of culture, cities, post-automation futures, and was lead researcher in the Global Free Unit – a network for education through live projects in contexts of rapid economic and political change.

Xenia is Visiting Assistant Professor at the Pratt Institute, NYC and Fellow at the Inclusive Ecologies Incubator. Prior to joining intO, she ran a research and design practice with projects in climate justice, urban design and territorial modelling. Xenia has a Professional Diploma in Architecture, an MA in Architectural History, Theory and Interpretation. Originally from the UK, Xenia has lived in Italy, Cambodia and Russia and is currently based in New York. She speaks English, Spanish and Russian.

Contact Xenia: [email protected]

Connect with Xenia on LinkedIn.
